¿Alguna pregunta?
A Edgar se le ha ocurrido que podíamos hacer una entrada en la que los autores de este blog respondamos a las preguntas que nos formuléis los lectores.
A todos nos ha parecido bien así que, aquí estamos. Preguntadnos en los comentarios lo que queráis y os responderemos en una próxima entrada que publicaremos a lo largo de la semana. Si la pregunta va dirigida hacia alguien en particular, indicadlo también.
Os adelanto que no nos sabemos el resultado de la quiniela, y no tenemos ni idea de lo que había antes del Big Bang. Se admiten preguntas sobre temas personales, siempre que no se sobrepasen los límites de la buena educación.
¿Alguien ha levantado la mano por ahí?
1/10/12 23:25
«Según mi conocimiento en el caso, parte de lo ovnis son naves aéreas extraterrestres.
Incursionan en este planeta desde hace miles de años o más, y en ocasiones hay
‘encuentros cercanos del tercer tipo’. Falta de tiempo ahora para más datos.»
Presentanos las pruebas; Cuando dispongas de tiempo, claro.
1/10/12 23:29
Tru dijo:
A cuales dos se refiere?
1/10/12 23:30
CarlosR, Por que carga las tintas sobre Robert y no le dice ni mu al bueno de Amildao?
Un saludo
1/10/12 23:32
@ d.e.:
No tiene ninguna. solo dice que él (Robert)ha visto a extraterrestres por todos lados. Evidentemente este hombre los atrae, debe ser el desodorante que usa
1/10/12 23:34
d.e. dijo:
No conozco muy bien la historia de Amildao, y algunos hechos que citan aparecen algo confusos, mezclados por mala edición, lo que el comenta me parece bastante coherente.
De Robert no puedo decir lo mismo.
1/10/12 23:35
Esto dijo Amildao:
“Según mi conocimiento en el caso, parte de lo ovnis son naves aéreas extraterrestres.
Incursionan en este planeta desde hace miles de años o más, y en ocasiones hay
‘encuentros cercanos del tercer tipo’. Falta de tiempo ahora para más datos.”
Se encuentra vd. bien CarlosR?
1/10/12 23:39
d.e. dijo:
Me encuentro perfecto y ese comentario al que Ud. hace mención me da la impresión que pertenece a Robert, dejemos que Amildao haga su descargo. Que le parece?
1/10/12 23:42
Me parece bien, CarlosR.
Buenas noches desde España, a vd. Y todos los lectores de esta estupenda pagina.
1/10/12 23:44
d.e. dijo:
Hasta luego amigo.
1/10/12 23:46
@ ana:
Jaja, puedes seguir peleándote todo lo que quieras conmigo. A ver si saco algo de tiempo y escribo una entrada sobre el tema, aunque ahora ando un poco liado. Recuérdamelo de vez en cuando y así no se me olvida.
1/10/12 23:47
@ Robert:
Según mi conocimiento en el caso, parte de lo ovnis son naves aéreas extraterrestres. Incursionan en este planeta desde hace miles de años o más, y en ocasiones hay ‘encuentros cercanos del tercer tipo’. Falta de tiempo ahora para más datos.
¿Alguna pregunta?
Tu testimonio no sirve, ni servirá por insistencia.
Por desgracia, es la realidad de los testimonios. Asi son las cosas.
Si tienes pruebas, las estás ocultando, confundiendo o enmascarando. Este es el hecho.
En mi opinión el texto que no está en negrita pertenece a Robert y el que sí lo está es un dicho de Amildao. A ver si Amildao lo confirma o niega.
1/10/12 23:47
@ d.e.:
Lo mío es un mensaje personal en un sitio público. Pruebas tendré que darlas cuando sea un testimonio. Ya he dicho que aquí no vale la palabra de Robert, ni la mía ni la de nadie.
Sigo dentro de dos horas.
1/10/12 23:54
@ Reflexiones Profundas:
Tengo dudas de que los servicios secretos de los EEUU no estuviesen implicados de alguna manera en el 11S. No hace falta sembrar de bombas las torres o el edificio 7 para derribarlos. Simplemente adiestrando ellos a los terroristas y mirando para otro lado en el momento del ataque. Tengo dudas de que los grandes capitalistas conspiren para derrocar gobiernos legítimos, o políticos molestos… tengo dudas de todo.
Eso es público y notorio. Cuando empecé con el blog era escéptico sobre el cambio climático (hay post en esa línea), pero me he acabado convenciendo de mi error.
1/10/12 23:56
CarlosR dijo:
Gracias por la pronta respuesta.
1/10/12 23:58
Perdona que insista sobre algo que pasó el 22N1963. Que sientes cuando lees que hubo un solo tirador y que por su propia cuenta, sin ninguna intervención ajena, mató a Kennedy?
2/10/12 00:01
@ A.K.:
Apuntado el tema. Creo que ya tenemos trabajo para un par de semanas.
2/10/12 00:02
La palabra:
Ustedes tampo aportan ninguna prueba capaz de desmentir lo contrario, pero si me hablan de presentar alguna prueba en un foro esceptico, entiendan todos Ustedes, que su actitud no invita precisamente a ello. El conocimiento es un camino, de igual modo que la ciencia busca una expliacion para aquellos fenomenos que desconoce: Ustedes, en general, niegan sistematicamente esos mismos hechos. Existe un estancamiento en el escepticismo y yo por mi parte marco mis propios tiempos, no Ustedes. Cada uno de nosotros debemos reconsiderar el camino a elegir y ahi no soy yo quien decide. Yo se que los extraterrestres estan ahi y Ustedes me piden pruebas, aun sabiendo que hay infinidad de pruebas y testimonios ya dados. No insistire en convencerles, ese no es mi cometido….
2/10/12 00:05
Robert dijo:
Robert, te hemos repetido hasta el cansancio que el que afirma que algo existe es el que tiene que aportar las pruebas. Que parte de lo que acabo de explicarte no entiendes?
2/10/12 00:06
¿Pero este hilo no iba de respuestas de los autores del blog a preguntas formuladas por los lectores?.
Venga maese Javi, no se haga el remolón…¿le paso algo de información que ya omitió anteriormente?.
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION IN THE SPUKFALLES ROSENHEIM 1967 F. Karger, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching G. ZICHA, research reactor of THM, Garching
If the solution to a problem in the engineering difficulties, the kind of fundamental appear, it is often the physics of processing. That such a solution and explanation once the physicist may be forced, in part to stretch their arms, following our report shows.
1st In our experimental arrangement arrival in Rosenheim, the technical studies of the electricity plant (see audit report by Paul Brunner, Stadtwerke Rosenheim) in the office of Mr. Adam lawyer for more than 3 weeks gone. The investigations senior officials of the municipal or criminal Rosenheim informed us about the progress of investigations and illustrated with us the security established frequent phenomena, for which no explanation had been found, for example, phone disturbances, severe rashes at a constant set voltages – Electricity and recorders (see Figure 1 and 2), bang noises in the air, off of backup machines without apparent reason, the burst of light bulbs and lamp shades and hanging lamps Ausschwingen of up to the ceiling, where the individual phenomena often were not correlated with each other. The factory had electricity since 15 November 1967 various measures to increase awareness of network disruptions taken, which eventually to install their own lights and cables at the firm and to supply with an emergency generator lead, but the phenomena stopped. . Since the opinion still prevailed, the phenomena could possibly cause disturbances but in the network have directed our experiment our focus on the writers rashes, which also offered the best objective. Our Meßanordnung is based on the circuit diagram shown in Figure 3. It consisted essentially of one TEKTRONIX Speicheroszillographen of type 549 with a 4-channel slot type 1A4. With the help of this combination, it was possible for us four signals simultaneously record, store and then to photograph.
On Channel 1, we have a tip (100:1) – parallel to the measurement of electricity from the plant situated SIEMENS-line writer (Unireg 1) – the voltage of 220
V (sensitivity 200 V / cm). The writer was with the magnifying glass slide-voltage (187-253V), and also registered the mains. The distraction of our time, we had Oscillographs at 0.1 sec / cm set, it was from the mains into DC coupling triggered, ie even a small network surge (in our case was smaller than the threshold 5 V) replaced the distraction of Oscillographs time and this drew the curve shape of the voltage signal from triggering until 1 second darnach on the screen. The electricity plant rashes observed the tension writer were at 20 Vrms (see Figure 1); such a voltage increase is therefore compatible with the safety of our Oscillographs registered. The triggering by interfering was necessary because we Schreiber reported rashes in stochastic sequence without any period came (Fig. 1). As the auditors of the electricity plant any voltage increases after detailed investigations could not explain, we have simultaneously on Channel 2 about a potential probe the electric potential in the immediate vicinity of the writer with a sensitivity of 100mV/cm (10MOhm input resistance, frequency 10MHz) recorded. This is a registry of potential changes, discharge pulses, RF radiation, etc. possible, perhaps for Schreiber could rashes responsible. The magnetic field near the writer, the sharp increase also in the rash of Drehspulmeßinstrumentes in would Recorders can influence, was using an open HEWLETT-PACKARD DC amplifier connected with sample registered. The sensitivity on Oszillographenschirm amounted to 0.1 Gauss / cm (5 kHz cutoff frequency). After we reported that the writers often swings from a bang noise in the office space has been accompanied, we connected on Channel 4 (20mV/cm) a crystal microphone and fortified against this well-damped body on a sound about 2m high cupboard in the office. The triggering, i.e. triggering the distraction of time Oscillographs could alternatively by a signal from each of the 4 channels are concerned. 2nd Results of investigations This arrangement stood on 8 December l967 in the office premises under shown in Figure 4 sketch, as the writer 16:30 to 17:48 in the presence of about 15 registered strong rashes (Fig. 5). The exact number of rashes is not to reconstruct, as the clerk at a feed of 1mm/min several rashes wrote about each other. Approximately simultaneously with the swings we heard often, but not with any rash, a short, hard bang noise, the discharge of a spark line was very similar. There were also bang noises, which are not covered by a rash were accompanied on the recorder. Often were not the bang noises to locate certain objects, but seemed alternately from different places, in the midst of the firm space to come, the bang noises were recorded on tape.
Already in the first swings showed that while the power is in reality not had the time of distraction Oscillographs was not triggered. We had shortly before
Occurrence of abnormal rashes trigger readiness with the help of low-voltage increase when the refrigerator in the apartment lawyer while also reviewed and monitored the experiment, so we certainly were able to determine that the abnormal rashes no power supply had increased as a cause. Even very short voltage pulses to the grid frequency would be superimposed and their amplitudes for the generation of writers would have been rash enough, would in any case the time of distraction Oscillographs triggered.
After the rash is not anomalous in its declaration of the electricity grid disturbances took place, was suspected of fraudulent manipulation loud. Weird appeared to us especially the fact that only rarely a writer rash was seen in prison, mostly only the curve already written a few seconds later (in cases in which rashes were seen in prison, they ran with a pulse duration of about 1 second ab). We were, however, with most swings in the immediate vicinity (1 / 2 meters) of the writer, while the other people several meters away from the scorer staying. The one we respected the fact that no trick by psychological distraction of the observers was possible, on the other hand, was due to a mechanical lock prevents the writer by thin threads etc. from the outside could be influenced. Because the writers were also equipped with a sight glass is covered, was among abnormal swings in which we were present, with security (eg getrickste) mechanical manipulation excluded.
Another option we moved in, was the supply of RF voltage in the recorder, to part with any nonlinear curve would demodulate and thus could cause rashes. We had our Oscillographs therefore also with the tension of the potential probe triggered and despite Schreiberausschlägen not trigger receive. After studies at the voltage through a magnifying glass Schreiber 100W transmitter (10MHz), whose voltage we at various points of the writer (also to the input jacks) and a anlegten by a factor of 103 higher than our signal threshold to trigger the potential probe produced, was not the least Rash on the recorder, if the RF transmitter was switched on. So we can be sure that HF-voltage and discharge pulses (with a broad spectrum, some of capacitor discharge) for the anomalous rashes are not responsible.
To the hypothesis of a (in its dimensions in itself very unlikely) magnetic field as the reason for the mysterious rashes exclude triggers our Oscillographs also with the magnetic signal of the probe and received as expected, despite Schreiberausschlägen no trigger, which means therefore that even an outer static magnetic field as a declaration retires as a mechanical interpretation would still ultra-or infrasonic and hence strong shocks into account. It could, however, in the vicinity of the writer does not sound donors noted that even the minimum necessary for the performance up and the writers through the air or by means of mechanical noise could influence. After investigations into, it was found that the system pointer of the writer very good (slightly more than divergence) are subdued and even greater shock is not responding. The writer was from us after the experiment built on any mechanical or electrical external mechanisms (such as built-recipient) investigated without having something like this has been found. Also could not shake any contact in the electronics are found. The hypothesis of loose contact is also complicated by the fact extremely unlikely that the electricity plant to a second recorder, in addition to the first set was also abnormal rashes had received. The writer worked in entirely follow-up examinations properly. The constancy of the measuring device proved to be very good, even larger than tensions have no influence on the display of measuring. When the voltage falls off the pointer from monotonous. After investigations, based on static electricity in the view window or other parts of the writer related, were also negative. Based on the results that we had received our order, so we were forced to the clerk rashes eligible Declaration opportunities to drop in the following again summarized are:
1st Voltage change (despite Schreiber rash does not increase the voltage)
2nd RF voltage to part with nonlinear curve demodulate; capacitor discharge (no signal at the potential probe, after investigation 100W transmitter)
3rd Static electricity (after investigation)
4th Outer static magnetic field (no magnetic field signal to the probe)
5th Infra-or ultrasound, strong shocks (After investigations)
6th Loose contact in the electronics, foreign mechanism in Schreiber (Under Investigation)
7th Manual operation (fraud excluded)
We had to be noted that at the scorer rashes occurred, although we systematically us all possible physical causes are eliminated or controlled and the proper function of the equipment used were thoroughly reviewed.
2/10/12 00:11
@ CarlosR:
Esa historia es muy difícil de creer.
2/10/12 00:19
lamentira dijo:
De acuerdo. Alguna hipótesis?
A mi me parece que viene por la derecha debido a los hechos, mejor dicho a los no-hechos, en una isla del Caribe. Puede haber más razones pero esa es una.
2/10/12 00:24
Puede ser. Pero me temo que eso no lo sabremos nunca.
Reflexiones Profundas
2/10/12 00:24
Muchas gracias don menti.
Reflexiones Profundas
2/10/12 00:26
Hace tiempo que me di cuenta que la mejor manera de ocultar algo, es propagar rumores sobre ello, al final la gente no se lo cree de tanto oir hablar del asunto.
2/10/12 00:26
@ AK:
Veo que tu grado de fanatismo no conoce límites. O sea que según tú, es una prueba irrefutable de vida después de la muerte un caso en el que los fenómenos sólo ocurrían cuando una determinada persona estaba presente, se encontraron hilos de nylon colgando del techo. Pero claro, si dos creyentes predispuestos a creerse cualquier cosa (y ser físico del Max Plank no te exime de eso) encuentran pruebas de que la instalación telefónica y eléctrica del edificio es una chapuza, eso prueba la autenticidad de todo. Lo que hay que leer, madre.